For a company that is in financial difficulty, but which is still ultimately a viable going concern, a debt for equity swap can be an effective way to restructure its capital and borrowings and, in doing so, strengthen its balance sheet and deal with issues such as over gearing. Africorn Advsiory is well positioned to ensure that your business remains a going concern by providing you with viable advise and access to solutions aimed at providing improvement to your bottomlne.
Africorn Avisory advises companies on how to re-arrange their equity and debt structure to better define a replacement strategy to curve a sustainable capital structure and support growth. Whether it’s a question of insolvency, restructuring or default, we can handle the complexities of the restructuring process to provide a solution focused financial advisory.
Africorn Advisory is committed on considering on your behalf all opportunities on a risk – return basis, and to deploy every last penny to generate value. We never overlook a profitable investment opportunity, but take care to ensure we avoid high-risk investments. Despite high efficiency, principal investment will remain a non-core business function at Africorn Advisory. We continue to take an opportunistic but limited approach in putting our shareholders’ capital in the equity markets. We also separate the tasks between the credit and sale divisions.